Becoming Hook

About the Book:

Becoming Hook: A Villainous Peter Pan Retelling (Legends of Neverland Book 1) by [Mary Mecham]

Title: Becoming Hook
Series: Legends of Neverland #1
Author: Mary Mecham
Release Date: May 9th, 2023
Genre: Fairytale Retelling

A pirate, a pixie, and a plot to foil Peter Pan…

James Hook never meant to become a pirate, and never dreamed that he would turn against best friend, Peter Pan. Every adventure and eternal youth awaited them… until a pixie exposes a shocking revelation. Tinkerbell’s information forces James into acknowledging that, far from being the benevolent hero he painted himself to be, Peter Pan was kidnapping innocent children.

After accepting the traumatic loss of his hand and of the family he can barely remember, James deserts Pan. In the fight to rescue the Lost Boys, Hook will risk everything, even if that means becoming the most notorious villain in Neverland… or losing the fiery pixie who is stealing his heart.

Can the original Lost Boy vanquish Neverland’s greatest threat?

Book Review:

What a fun twist on Peter Pan! This is my first book from Ms. Mecham and it was so intriguing. I love seeing reimaginings of classic stories and twists of perspective. James Hook never meant to become a pirate. In Neverland, adventure and eternal youth was promised by his best friend, Peter Pan. Then a pixie reveals the shocking truth. Tinkerbell’s information forces James to see that Peter Pan, far from being the benevolent hero he claims, is actually kidnapping innocent children. After accepting the loss of his hand and the family he barely remembers, James deserts Pan. Now he is determined to rescue the Lost Boys, even if he must become the most notorious villain in Neverland or risk losing the fiery pixie who is stealing his heart.

I was drawn into this story so quickly! James was definitely admirable, although he had a lot of struggles to combat Pan. I understood his struggles and felt for him. I was invested in his cause from the start! Tink was so fiery! I have always had a soft spot for Tinkerbell, because she reminds me of my sister and this iteration of the character definitely resembled my sister. She was decisive, strong-willed, and determined to fight for justice. They were fierce supporters and protectors of the other. 

It was so exciting to watch James and Tink try to figure out how to defeat Peter Pan and rescue Neveralnd. They have to learn more about the land they are battling on and the creatures who live there. There are battles, betrayals, and at times I wasn’t sure how they would prevail. It was an exciting story with a cute romance! It does have some action and violence, as well as some darker elements but overall I think it is suitable for mid-teens and up. I am so excited to read more of the series!

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.


About the Book:

Shadow (Heirs of Neverland Book 2) by [Kara Swanson]

Title: Shadow
Series: Heirs of Neverland #2
Author: Kara Swanson
Publisher: Enclave Escape
Release Date: July 13, 2021
Genre: YA Fantasty

Peter Pan has crash-landed back on Neverland. But this is not the island he remembers.

Desperate to rescue Claire and the fractured Lost Boys, Peter must unravel what truly tore his dreamland apart. But with each step, he is haunted by more of his own broken memories. Not even Pan himself is what he seems.

Claire Kenton is chained to a pirate ship, watching the wreckage of Neverland rocked by tempests. When she finally finds her brother, Connor is every bit as shattered as the island. Claire may have pixie dust flowing in her veins—but the light of Neverland is flickering dangerously close to going out forever.

Book Review:

The first book was so engaging and thrilling and I was super excited to read the second book! Shadow is the second book in Kara Swanson’s Peter Pan retelling duology. You need to read the books in order, so if you haven’t read the first book before don’t read this review. I repeat “ IF YOU HAVE NOT READ DUST DO NOT READ THIS REVIEW, THIS WILL HAVE SPOILERS FOR DUST BUT NOT FOR SHADOW

Shadow was just simply, wow! I was kind of worried because I didn’t know how this book would end, but I am really happy with how it went. 

I felt bad for Clara, life was not easy for her. She came to Neverland searching for hope, looking for her brother. However, Neverland was not the place that she dreamed it would be. Claire had to learn to look past herself and see the needs of others. She was no longer the weird girl searching for her brother. 

Peter was such a complex character. He had definitely grown from the first book but he was still far from perfect. There were times where he was still searching for the balance between growing up and being a child. I was saddened by all his mistakes and how they were affecting those around him. But I wanted to cheer when he started to realize that his actions had consequences. Would Peter be willing to make the decision between saving his friends and growing up? Or will he stay a child forever, losing those he loved.

Peter and Claire grew to love each other as they learned to deal with their faults. As they fought to save Neverland, they began to hope for more. It was fun to read about them learning to overcome their fears. But would they be strong enough to face the shadows that threaten to overtake them? 

It was so interesting to see the Lost Boys again, they too were forced to make impossible decisions. But they were not the black and white characters that I thought they would be.The Lost Boys were just trying to do their best to survive a world that was slowly dying. I liked seeing the Lost Boys more, and I began to care for them. All of the side characters were so interesting and intriguing, even the villains were not all I thought 

Shadow was full of twists and turns, I didn’t know how it would end. But I am happy with the ending 🙂 Swanson created a tale that didn’t shy away from the horrors of Peter Pan, but also displayed light and hope. I would recommend Shadow, to those who like adventure and fantasy with a hint of romance. However it is a bit darker so I would give that hint of caution, maybe teens at least 13 and up.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.

Sisters of the Neversea

About the Book:

Title: Sisters of the Neversea
Author: Cynthia Leitich Smith
Publisher: Heartdrum
Release Date:
June 1st, 2021
Genre: Retelling

Lily and Wendy have been best friends since they became stepsisters. But with their feuding parents planning to spend the summer apart, what will become of their family—and their friendship?

Little do they know that a mysterious boy has been watching them from the oak tree outside their window. A boy who intends to take them away from home for good, to an island of wild animals, Merfolk, Fairies, and kidnapped children, to a sea of merfolk, pirates, and a giant crocodile.

A boy who calls himself Peter Pan.

Book Review:

I am a total sucker for retellings, and Sisters of the Neversea completely lived up to my expectations! I do want to mention that I have never read Peter Pan, but I have heard that a lot of the ideas in it are hurtful and wrong. Sisters of the Neversea completely reworks Peter Pan, and it shows Pan’s brutalness and cruelty in an eye opening way.

Lily and Wendy are step sisters whose parents are considering separating. They’re unsure about what will happen to their family and their friendship, and in the midst of this uncertainty, the boy who never grows up whisks them away to Neverland. But the magic land is much darker than it seems, and Lily and Wendy might not make it out of there alive.

As an Asian American girl, I know how impactful it is to see yourself in literature. That’s why even though I’m a little too old for middle grade, I can’t help but be excited when I see such diverse books. Children need to see themselves as heroes in entertainment, and I’m so happy more and more people are highlighting different characters. Sisters of the Neversea fulfills these expectations perfectly! It didn’t just showcase diverseness in ethnicity, but it also showed how family is not just blood. When Peter says all stepmothers are evil, Wendy is quick to disagree. Lily and Wendy were sisters, and they were not about to have anyone tell them otherwise. While there are so many amazing themes in here, this was a great book in itself.

It had an older style with an all knowing third person narrator. There aren’t a ton of books left like this, so it was definitely a fun change. And it made it easier to follow the story without being confused. There were a lot of fun twists and turns that made this book even more interesting. And I liked how you could tell there was a history to this island. Wendy and Lily weren’t the first children to go there, and the end to those children were far darker than they could imagine.

Sisters of the Neversea showed how evil Pan could be, and how messed up he was while still showing redemption. A few things to mention though is this is a little bit darker and more violent. It might be wise for parents to talk through some of the book with their children, and there is also a half spirit in the book. But this was a gorgeous book that is needed in this day and age. It shows how people that are different from us are still human, and they deserve respect and love. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who wants some diversity in their book diet!

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the publisher through Netgalley. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, a positive review was not required. 

A Very Bookish Thanksgiving Blog Tour

I am so excited to be part of the blog tour for A Very Bookish Thanksgiving! This looks like such a cute collection of books!

Five stories.
Five book-lovers.
Five Thanksgiving novellas inspired by five classics.
This is a limited-edition novella collection with contributions by five different authors.

The Promise of Acorns ~ Kelsey Bryant

Erin Moore is a nanny whose strained relationship with Thanksgiving becomes even
more complicated when her new employer asks her to teach his grandchildren about the holiday. The results surprise them both.
Inspired by Jane Eyre

As Long as I Belong ~ Sarah Holman

Young Analise Marshall has always felt like she straddles two worlds, like Jane Austen’s
Fanny Price. Yet, near Thanksgiving, she faces the fact she might soon not belong anywhere at all.
Inspired by Mansfield Park

The Windles and the Lost Boy ~ Rebekah Jones

All Lost Boys could find refuge with Patrick Quill. Jeremy might do the same—if he could find him and if Patrick is real.
Inspired by Peter Pan

Grand Intentions ~ J. Grace Pennington

Pippa has always dreamed of being a great novelist, but between her job and helping her
mom raise her three younger brothers, she never seems to be able to write. So when her
grandmother offers her a few months away with all the time she could wish for, she’s
sure to write the story she’s always dreamed of—or does her problem run deeper than she thinks?

Inspired by Great Expectations

A Fine Day Tomorrow ~ Amanda Tero

Essie March never planned to do much with her life, being the sickly one of the family.
And just as she starts to pursue her dream of nursing, it seems that everything stands in her way to prevent it.
Inspired by Little Women

Releases on October 26!

Available for pre-order now at this link:…/dp/B08KGQZGMC/k

(The price will go up from $2.99 to $4.99 on October 26, so get it now!)

About the Authors:
Kelsey Bryant is an author, editor, and martial arts instructor from Central Texas. She
loves God, her family, classic literature, and anything that transports her to the past.

Website | Facebook | Goodreads

Sarah Holman lives in Central Texas with her amazing family. When not working on
her next novel, she can usually be found hanging out with her siblings, reading, or taking
long walks. If there is anything adventuresome about her life, it’s because she serves a
God with a destiny bigger than anything she could have imagined.

Website | Facebook | Goodreads

Rebekah Jones is first and foremost a follower of the Living God. She started writing as
a little girl, seeking to glorify her King with her books and stories. Rebekah is an old soul
in a young body (she’s not 12—honest!). While her exact age is classified, her interests
are not. Among them are reading a variety of books, singing, playing and composing
music, studying all manner of subjects, nannying an adventurous group of youngsters,
and, of course, writing her books, poems, articles, and short stories. She writes a wide
range of books from gentle children’s adventures to family sagas to murder mysteries.

Website | Facebook | Instagram

J. Grace Pennington has been telling stories since she could talk and writing them down
since age five. Now she lives in the great state of Texas, where she writes as much as
adult life permits. When she’s not writing she enjoys reading good books, having
adventures with her husband, and looking up at the stars.

Website | Facebook | Instagram

Amanda Tero grew up attending a one room school with her eleven siblings—and loved
it! She also fell in love with reading to the point her mom withheld her books to get her to
do her chores. That love of reading turned into a love of writing YA fiction. Amanda is a
music teacher by day and a literary guide by night, creating stories that whisk readers off to new eras and introduce them to heroic but flawed characters that live out their faith in
astonishing ways.

Website | Facebook | Instagram


Enter this giveaway for a chance to win a fun fall package!

Giveaway package includes Hello Autumn sign, Thankful jar, Fall cozy, and Autumn-
themed charm necklace

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Breaking Neverland

About the Book:

Title: Breaking Neverland
Author: Brittany Fichter
Release Date:
September 21st, 2020
Genre: Fairytale Retelling

Author’s Note: This book is the sequel to Neverland Falling, A Retelling of Peter Pan, Part I

Neverland is breaking.

Wendy has been banished.

Peter Pan is losing control.

Peter has banished Wendy from Neverland, but she’s determined to return to fetch her brothers. To go back, however, she’ll need a miracle. Such a miracle will be costly, and Wendy must decide whom to trust and how far she’s prepared to go…as well as how willing she is to leave Peter Pan to his fate.

Peter and the Neverstar are upholding a skeleton of the place Neverland once was. And without Wendy beside him, the effort seems doomed to futility. Just as he’s about to give up, though, redemption looms on the horizon…but with it comes sacrifice of monumental proportions.

And while Captain Jay might be gone, his schemes haven’t been forgotten. The more Peter and the captain and Wendy play their dangerous games, the more Neverland begins to crumble. Everything he loves is going to come crashing down, and Peter must choose which to save before he loses it all.

Breaking Neverland is the ninth book in The Classical Kingdoms Collection and is the sequel to Neverland Falling. Read this fairy tale retelling now to experience danger, intrigue, and passionate, clean romance as only fairy tales can give.


I have been eagerly waiting for this book ever since I read Part I, Neverland Falling. Breaking Neverland is Part II of Brittany Fichter’s Peter Pan retelling. Breaking Neverland picks up where Neverland Falling ends and it was a wonderful conclusion! Wendy just wanted to find a place to call her own, someone who would love her for who she is. She never thought that she would fall in love with a boy who didn’t want to grow up or how it would cost her. Now she needs to return to Neverland to save her brothers and hopefully Peter too.

Okay, so Wendy was so cool. I loved her relationship with the lost boys and how she truly cared for Peter. However, there were times where I wanted to shake her because she didn’t understand all that Peter was going through. But that was probably because we could see Peter’s thoughts. She was such a mom, but I loved how being with Peter allowed her to relax and enjoy being young. 

Wendy went through so much and I was so worried for her as she had to figure out what it meant to love Peter and how to save her brothers. She was stubborn but she loved with her whole heart. She had to learn to own up to her mistakes and to trust those around her. It was fun watching her grow up and learn to forgive not only herself but those around her for past mistakes. 

Peter had grown up even without knowing himself. He had let himself be manipulated by the fae for so long that he didn’t know how to stand up for himself. However, amidst all of Peter’s faults I still liked him. He was a sweet boy who just wanted to protect those he loved. He had the weight of the world on his shoulders and he was starting to break. 

Peter needed to find himself and figure out what he was willing to risk in order to save those he loved. He had to figure out if he was willing to grow up. Peter had to undergo his own changes before he was truly ready to love Wendy and be the man she needed. 

Breaking Neverland was amazing! I loved reading it and I can’t wait to read what else Ms. Fichter writes! I loved seeing some old characters and watching the books connect. Moira, Wendy’s friend was so sweet and it was so cool to see her more in this book. I also enjoyed reading about Wendy’s parents. 

Breaking Neverland is the 9th book in Brittany Fichter’s Classical Kingdom series. IF you have read any of her other books, you need to read her Peter Pan retellings! They are so good and I would definitely recommend them. Breaking Neverland is a must read, but you do have to read Part I, Neverland Falling,  first. 

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Neverland Falling

About the Book:

Neverland Falling (Classical Kingdoms Collection, book 8) by ...

Title: Neveland Falling
Author: Brittany Fichter
Release Date:
May 28th, 2020
Genre: Fantasy

Neverland is dying.
And it’s all Wendy’s fault.

Wendy’s parents have finally chosen her prospective husband, and her world is falling apart. So when the mysterious, handsome Peter invites Wendy and her little brothers to run away to a place called Neverland, she accepts.

At first, Neverland is more wonderful than anything Wendy could have imagined. So are the variety of interesting characters who live there, from the Lost Boys to the mermaids to the fae to the misunderstood privateer, Captain Jay. But as time rolls on, Wendy realizes that growing up might not be so bad…if she had the right person to do it with. The only problem is that in Neverland, growing up is forbidden. And the farther she gets from childhood, the more she endangers them all.

Unfortunately, when the fae decide she’s gone too far, both Peter and Wendy must decide where their love and loyalty lie and how far they’re willing to chase it. For if they’re not careful, Neverland and everyone in it will fall.


OMG! I loved this book, I have been waiting for it and dying to read it, especially after she sent out the sneak peak. It was so good and I can’t believe I have to wait so long for the next book. 🙂 Neverland Falling is the 8th book in Brittany Fichter’s Classical Kingdom series, however, chronologically it is actually before the 6th book but after the 7th. 

Neverland Falling is the first Peter Pan retelling I have read and I am glad to say that I really enjoyed it. It has everything that makes a great Peter Pan story and yet it still ties in to what is going on in Brittany’s world. Brittany weaves a story that still stays true to what we know of Peter Pan and yet she still makes it her own. 

Wendy is at the age where she is in the middle of being a child and being a grown up, and to make things worse she doesn’t want to be like the other girls in her village. She is not the type of person to just marry the first man who asks her no matter how well off he is. But things get worse when her father finds someone who he believes she should marry, even though he is all wrong for her.
She finds herself at the end of herself and flies off to Neverland with someone who has been on her mind since she met him. But Neverland is not exactly what she expected. And as she spends more time in Neverland and with Peter she starts to find herself wanting to grow up. But you can’t grow up in Neverland. 

I loved reading about Wendy and Peter. Wendy was at the stage where I am, in the middle of still being a child and yet almost an adult. I really related to her as she tried to figure out what she wanted to do with her life.  I really felt for her especially as she tried to get situated in Neverland and balance caring for her brothers enjoying her time there.

Peter was a boy who didn’t want to grow up, he was happy in Neverland. But then he met Wendy and his world started to change. Growing up was not allowed in Neverland, so why did he want to make Wendy happy, why was he letting things change because of a girl. 

Peter was so sweet. Neverland was his home and he wanted so badly to protect it. I loved reading about Peter Pan this way. It was such an interesting way to portray him. He really cared for Wendy but he also cared for Neverland. He wanted to protect Neverland even if doing that meant he had to make hard decisions. 

Jay, I don’t know what to think about him. He has me all mixed up, but all I know is that he worries me. He is either going to make things better or cause problems. I really can’t tell.

All in all, this was an amazing book. I read it so fast and I didn’t want to put it down. It was so fun reading about going to Neverland and I have to say I loved Hana. She was so funny and she even felt human even though she was a dog. Tinkerbell, frustrated me but she helped move the story along, I can’t wait for the next book! I am so excited to see what comes next!

Dust Blog Tour Stop #1

Hi Lost Boys and girls, I am so excited to have you here on my blog. I know you are going to have so much fun with us in Neverland as we go on a mad treasure hunt. This is stop #1 of the Dust Tour, in this tour you will collect 36 clues. Each clue will stitch together to create a passage, and each stop will lead you to the next until you end up where you started again!

Previous stop: Dust Blog Tour Kickoff!

I am so excited to be able to share this interview I had with Kara. Kara is a teen writer and her fairytale retelling of Peter Pan, Dust, comes out on July 21st, 2020. Read on to learn about her novel, Dust and her writing journey, and how she found her own treasure in writing. Dust (Heirs of Neverland) (9781621841265): Swanson ...

Title: Dust
Author: Kara Swanson
Publisher: Enclave Escape
Release Date: July 21st, 2020
Genre: Teen and Young Adult Fairy Tale Retelling

The truth about Neverland is far more dangerous than a fairy tale.

Claire Kenton believes the world is too dark for magic to be real–since her twin brother was stolen away as a child. Now Claire’s desperate search points to London… and a boy who shouldn’t exist.

Peter Pan is having a beastly time getting back to Neverland. Grounded in London and hunted by his own Lost Boys, Peter searches for the last hope of restoring his crumbling island: a lass with magic in her veins.

The girl who fears her own destiny is on a collision course with the boy who never wanted to grow up. The truth behind this fairy tale is about to unravel everything Claire thought she knew about Peter Pan–and herself.


Now here is the interview with Kara!

1. Tell us about yourself?

I write whimsical, raw, adventure-filled YA novels. I grew up overseas in the jungles of Papua New Guinea as the daughter of missionaries, spending my childhood running barefoot through tropical jungles. That sense of unique adventure eventually let me to spin stories of my own and I love the creative aspects of writing fantasy. I now work full time in the publishing industry as an author, marketing consultant, and author coach. I’m passionate about telling powerful stories, helping others find their voices, and living out a beautiful story in my own life.

2. How old are you?


3. How did you start writing?

I’ve been storytelling since I can remember, but I started writing novels at about sixteen.

4. What made you want to be a writer?

I love being able to craft worlds and characters and pouring my heart into pages that might just resonate with someone else. It wasn’t until I was a teen a co-authored a fantasy novel with a dear friend that I realized I really wanted to pursue this as a full time career.

5. How did you get ideas for the characters?

I’ve always thought that there was a lack of Peter Pan retelling that stayed really true to the original Peter that we all know and love, so I set out to craft a retelling of my own that built off J. M. Barrie’s foundational Peter, while letting him grow and expand a bit. I also created a character named Claire Kenton, who has grown up too fast and has pixie dust dripping from her fingertips—but refuses to believe in magic. Claire kind of represents the rest of us who never had a chance to escape to Neverland and had to see more of the world’s shadows than we might have chosen. And as Peter helps Claire begin to believe in magic again, she pushes him to step outside his selfish existence and truly become a leader who fights for his Neverland.

6. Which character are you most like?

Claire, probably. In the sense that I wove a lot of my own insecurities into her, and as Claire comes to realize where her identity is truly found, I was preaching a lot of that truth to myself.

7. Do you take inspiration from your life for plot points, characters, etc?

Absolutely! My characters all have a bit of me sprinkled in, while still being developed people all their own. Growing up in the remote jungle village where I did, I’ve also woven in some of those experiences into my representation of Neverland, etc.

8.What do you want people to take away from this book?

Hmmm…. a bit of hope and a sense of magic, maybe? To be reminded that we are never alone and that with a bit of faith and trust, anything is possible. ❤

9. What advice do you have for people who want to start writing?

Practice, practice, practice. The more you write, the faster you will grow and the more skills you will internalize!

10. What is your favorite fairy tale?

Not sure I have an absolute favorite, but I have always loved The Little Mermaid. ❤

Thank you so much Angeline for having me! And if you want to connect with me, I’m on Instagram (@karaswansonathor), Facebook (Kara Swanson, Author) and Twitter (@kswansonauthor) Thank you so much! Have a great day! Kara

I hope you Lost Boys and Girls had fun learning about Kara and her new book, Dust. You first clue in our exciting treasure hunt is “You

Your second stop is at Allie’s blog and opens up on June 2nd, good luck and enjoy flying around Neverland!