Houston, We Have a Problem

About the Book:

Title: Houston, We Have a Problem
Series: Love in Sun City #4
Author: Dana LeCheminant
Release Date: January 12, 2024
Genre: Romantic Comedy

Houston Briggs is at a crossroads, facing the possible end of his career after a devastating injury. With an uncertain future ahead of him and his siblings finding their own happy endings, he’s desperately seeking peace and purpose.

Enter Darcy Paxton, his refreshing new neighbor who is nothing like the women of his past relationships. There’s a realness about her that Houston can’t resist, and she sees the man behind the athlete, bringing calm to the storm of his life.

However, complicating matters is Tamlin Park, a tenacious sports reporter known for her exposés on athletes’ lives. Despite the threat she poses to his already shaky career, Houston can’t deny the chemistry between them, and she surprises him at every turn with her intelligence and passion for baseball.

Caught between two women who seem made just for him, Houston has no idea what his future holds. If only there was a way for them all to find happiness without someone getting hurt.

Books in the Love in Sun City series are tied together and overlap but can be read in any order or as standalones. (Many recommend reading Houston last for the best experience.) They contain minimal to no swearing and no explicit content.

Book Review:

Oh my gosh! I was so excited for this book and was not disappointed! I have loved the entire Love in Sun City series and the finale was so perfect! Houston Briggs is at a crossroads, facing the possible end of his career after a devastating injury. With an uncertain future and all of his siblings finding their own happy endings, he’s desperately seeking peace and purpose. His new neighbor, Darcy Paxton is nothing like the women of his past, but there is a realness that he can’t resist. She sees the man behind the athlete, bringing calm to the storm of his life. However, complicating matters is Tamlin Park, a tenacious sports reporter known for her exposés on athletes’ lives. Despite the threat she poses to his career, there is chemistry between them as she surprises him at every turn. Caught between two women who seem made just for him, Houston has no idea what his future holds. If only there was a way for them all to find happiness without someone getting hurt.

All of the Love in Sun City books happen over relatively the same time period, so we get glimpses of Houston’s story in the earlier books and the peeks made me so excited to see his perspective. Houston is in a place of uncertainty with his life and future. He was struggling with his place both in career and personally. I felt for him as he tried to work through it all. He did not share his feelings or struggles easily, but found connection throughout the book. I loved his relationship with his siblings and Jordan, (who was basically a brother!) and how it grew in this book. They all truly care for one another. I also love how we get to see some old characters and how they impact his story! 

Love triangles are not my favorite trope, because I usually feel bad for the one who is not chosen in the end. But as always, Ms. LeCheminant wrote a story that I loved from start to finish! Even if you are more like me, trust me that things will work out! I don’t want to give spoilers, but you can definitely expect a HEA, as well as a few surprises! Both Darcy and Tamlin were a lot of fun, even though they were so different in many ways. Darcy felt very real. She cared deeply for her family and felt like her romantic life was a struggle. I adored how she and Houston opened up and supported one another. Tamlin was a powerhouse! I admired her strength and passion, especially in the male-dominated career she was in. 

What a finale! This was such a lovely way to end the series. These books can technically be read in any order, but it has been a joy to read as they release! It is a romcom with only kissing!

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.

Crossing the Brooklyn Briggs

About the Book:

Title: Crossing the Brooklyn Briggs
Series: Love in Sun City #3
Author: Dana LeCheminant
Release Date: December 1st, 2023
Genre: Romantic Comedy

High school teacher Brooklyn Briggs has always been great with chemistry but terrible with relationships. When a guy drops into her life—literally—and offers to coach her into getting a date with her longtime crush, she’s willing to accept any help she can get.

Even if her new flirting coach is her brother Houston’s best friend, the guy who drove her crazy all throughout high school.

Jordan Torres never expected to see Brooklyn again. After the way he teased her in high school, she has every right to hate him. But despite warnings from her brother, he’s drawn to her in a way he’s never been before and can’t seem to remember that she’s in love with someone else.

Neither can she.

Both of them value their relationship with Houston too much to risk things going wrong, but they may not have a choice. The heart wants what the heart wants. Besides, Brooklyn can’t turn a blind eye to perfect chemistry.

Book Review:

Every book I have read by Dana has been better than the last! I am loving the Briggs siblings. High school teacher Brooklyn Briggs has always been great with chemistry, but she is terrible with relationships. When a guy drops into her life, literally, and offers to coach her into getting a date with her longtime crush, she is willing to accept any help she can get, even if it is her brother Houston’s best friend. Jordan Torres never expected to see Brooklyn again, especially after the way he teased her in high school. But despite warnings from her brother, he is drawn to her and can’t seem to remember that she is in love with someone else. And neither can she. Can they ignore perfect chemistry?

What a fun story! I was super excited to read about Brooklyn and Jordan. Brooklyn is relatable in a lot of ways! Though I am nowhere near as smart as her, I definitely related to her technology struggles. It was hilarious to read, especially with the text chains between the siblings. She was in a bit of a rut and Jordan’s offer of coaching brought new chances into her life. Brooklyn and Jordan already knew each other and it allowed them to move past awkwardness and get to connecting more deeply. They both had some baggage to work through and had to find the courage to face it. I loved watching her rediscover her passions and strengths! 

Jordan was so sweet. I loved his relationship with his family. They were close-knit and looked out for one another. Jordan also had to recover himself and learn how to trust himself and Brooklyn. I loved his tender heart and his determination to care for his friends and family. His friendship with Houston was another highlight, and something that made me even more excited for his book! 

I adored Jordan and Brooklyn together. They really supported each other and brought so much life to each other, even though it took a little while for them to realize it! This book was full of hilarious scenes, sweet romance, and family! I adored it and would 100% recommend it. It is a closed door romance that can be read as a standalone but is best read as part of the series! 

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.

The Chad Next Door

About the Book:

The Chad Next Door (Love in Sun City) by [Dana LeCheminant]

Title: The Chad Next Door
Series: Love in Sun City #2
Author: Dana LeCheminant
Release Date: October 27th, 2023
Genre: Romantic Comedy

Torn between a quiet life and the chaos of unexpected love, Private Investigator Chad Briggs is set to find out if a snowstorm can melt his heart in Laketown. When Hope, the all too attractive—and far too young—woman next door, Chad’s life is thrown into a whirlwind he would rather not face, but he doesn’t have much of a choice.

Trying to navigate her new life after unexpectedly gaining custody of her dead sister’s kids, Hope knows she shouldn’t be interested in her much older neighbor, no matter how easy he is on the eyes. But when a snowstorm traps them together in one house, can they ignore the sparks between them?

With every reason to think a relationship is impossible, especially with the kids in the mix, they know a weekend fling isn’t going to end well.

But their hearts didn’t get the memo, and they might be in too deep to back out.

Book Review:

I was so excited for this and it was just as amazing as I hoped! Private Investigator Chad Briggs is torn between a quiet life and the chaos of unexpected love. His time in Laketown is interrupted by Hope, the all too attractive and far too young woman next door and he now is faced with a whirlwind of his life. Hope is trying to navigate her new life after unexpectedly gaining custody of her now dead sister’s kids. She shouldn’t be interested in her much older neighbor, no matter how easy on the eyes he is. But when a snowstorm traps them together in one house, can they ignore the sparks between them? There are multiple reasons why a relationship is impossible, but their hearts didn’t get the memo…

If you have read Micah’s book, the first in this series, you have met Chad! He is the oldest Briggs sibling and has had a very busy and stressful last few years. His tendency is to take care of people and it has drained him. He just wants some peace and quiet. Hope and the kids shake it up in the best way! I loved his protective instincts and his care over his loved ones. It was so lovely to see him open up, especially with Link and Zelda. They were adorable together! They offered him a way to connect even after he had been hurt. He had to let go of some of his control.

Hope was so sweet! She was definitely feeling all the stress of suddenly having a completely new setting and new circumstances. I admired her determination to take care of her niece and nephew and to give them the best she could. She felt the pressures and the uncertainties of it. Hope found some stability in Chad for herself and comfort for the kids. I appreciated how they helped each other, but were able to recognize that there were things they needed to learn for themselves as well. 

I loved all the cast of characters as well. The kids were full characters in themselves and I loved seeing them settle through the story. Duke was adorable! I love pets that have their own personalities! Hank was fun, I loved his little additions to the story. The small town feel was fun as well! I also enjoyed the little pieces of the rest of the family! It made me more excited to read their stories! This book is full of swoony forced-proximity, fun characters, and all the feels! It is a clean romcom with only kissing. There are also characters dealing with the death of a family member.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.

Kiss Me If You Can

About the Book:

Title: Kiss Me If You Can
Series: Love in Sun City
Author: Dana LeCheminant
Release Date: September 29th, 2023
Genre: Romantic Comedy

Isla Adams is on the cusp of her clothing company making it big, but when she runs into a cute guy in need of her help, she can’t say no to him. The problem? He’s on the run from the FBI and could jeopardize everything she’s building. Jake Moody is undeniably dangerous, and yet her gut tells her to trust him.

Jake finds himself unexpectedly in trouble, and meeting Isla feels like a blessing and a curse. She can help him lie low, but every minute he spends with her puts her in danger. If only his heart would listen to his head when it tells him they should part ways.

When a misunderstanding leads to Isla suddenly needing a fake husband, Jake seems like the perfect option. He can hide in plain sight, and Isla can move forward with her business plans. If only things weren’t starting to feel more and more real…

With the FBI closing in, they may just be out of time to see if their instant connection might be more than a fleeting moment. There’s no way the fake marriage can end well when both of them have laid their hearts—and maybe their lives—on the line.

Book Review:

I was so excited to read about Isla and Jake! They are featured in other stories of Ms. LeCheminant and so I already connected with them! While I am not usually a fan of insta-love, I enjoyed their connection. They were very sweet together and I loved the way they supported each other. It was quite a crazy ride for them!

Isla was so sweet and so strong! I loved how she went after her dreams and the strength in which she dealt with all the twists. Her disability was a part of her and it was addressed as difficult, but it didn’t define her, 

Jake was such a sweetheart! He adored Isla from the start, which I loved! They were so swoony to read about, Isla and Jake had to go through so much in a quick amount of time and it definitely moved quickly. It is a novella! However, it didn’t feel rushed to me. (I do like novellas in general though!)

I had so much fun reading about Isla and Jake! It was so much fun especially after reading the Wonder Boys and SLiHM. I would definitely suggest reading them all as well! This is a sweet romcom novella with only kissing. It also has disability rep,

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.

She Likes it, Hey Micah

About the Book:

She Likes It, Hey Micah (Love in Sun City) by [Dana LeCheminant]

Title: She Like It, Hey Micah
Series: Love in Sun City #1
Author: Dana LeCheminant
Release Date: August 23rd, 2023
Genre: Romantic Comedy

Micah Taylor is an eternal optimist, but with every first date that fails, her faith in true love weakens. When offered the chance to help reopen the lodge where her parents were married, Micah is determined to prove her worth and show her boss that she has what it takes to be a great event planner. But the grumpy assistant to the client, Fischer, sees her as a distraction from his own goals of taking over his boss’s company, and he seems to be in her way at every turn.

Despite his reservations, Fischer’s heart latches onto Micah the moment he sees her. As they work together, Fischer begins to realize that Micah could be the one thing he needs, but she deserves better than a broken man incapable of love.

But the more time he spends with Micah, the more he knows there’s no going back. He just has to hope he can become the man she has been dreaming of before she decides it’s time to move on to someone better.

Book Review:

I loved this book! I was so excited to be able to return to the world of the Wonder Boys and now the Briggs siblings! Micah is the perfect character to introduce us to them. If you have read the Wonder Boys series, you will have met her and she is just as endearing in this book! She is an eternal optimist, but her faith in true love is weakening with every failed first date. The chance to help reopen the lodge where her parents were married is the opportunity to prove herself to her boss as a great event planner. But the grumpy assistant to the client, Fischer sees her as a distraction from his own goals and seems to be in her way at every turn. Despite his reservations, Fischer’s heart has latched onto Micah. As they work together, he sees that she could be what he needs, but she deserves more than a broken man. Will he be able to become who she dreams about before she moves on?

I love Miach! She is just full of sunshine, even though she feels so real. I felt for her, as she struggled to find her place, especially in comparison to her siblings. She was the baby of the family and felt the blessings and curse of it..I loved her determination both to make the best events she could and to do things for herself. She understood that her family was behind her, but did not let them over-run her. Family is one of my favorite things to read about and the Briggs siblings are so lovely. They look out for one another and are a part of each other’s lives. I loved watching her settle into herself in this book. She was finding her place in the world and how Fischer fit into it. 

Oh Fischer! He was such a sweetheart under all the grumpy! From the start I felt for him and his struggles from the beginning. But it was so fun to watch him and Micah, she pushed him towards joy and peace in a way he didn’t realize he could. I think Fischer grew the most in this story and it was so sweet to read. 

There were so many little elements that made this book amazing! As previously said, Micah and Fischer are both engaging individually and so cute together. I love the family relationships and the side characters are all such great additions. Kale was hilarious and Lila and Grant were perfect for their roles!

Overall, I loved this book and am so excited to read the rest of the series! This is a sweet rom-com with only kissing! 

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, a positive review was not required.