Late Nights

About the Book:

Title: Late Nights
Series: Love at Night #2
Author: Larissa Hommes
Release Date: April 22nd, 2024
Genre: Romantic Comedy

They say there’s no place like home, but what do you do when the person you’ve been trying so hard not to fall for becomes your roommate?

Cannon James believes in keeping everyone at a distance, especially in matters of the heart. His commitment to the bachelor lifestyle has served him well, until his best friend’s little sister, Demi Vanderhall, unexpectedly appears on his doorstep in need of a place to stay.

Despite knowing each other for a decade, Cannon has never confessed to anyone that Demi is the one girl he struggles to keep at arm’s length. With her brother’s disapproval looming and Cannon’s own tumultuous past lurking in the shadows, he’s determined to resist any romantic relationship.

Yet, as late nights spent together deepen their connection and test their self-restraint, Demi begins to question why they shouldn’t explore the possibility of more than just friendship. But every time they edge closer to crossing that line, Cannon slams on the brakes, haunted by his past and unable to fully embrace the future.

Can Demi break through Cannon’s walls and convince him to take a chance on them? Or will the ghosts of his past forever hold him back from finding true happiness?

Book Review:

This was such a cute book! This was my first read by Hommes, and I sped through it. I loved how Cannon and Demi fit together.

Cannon was such a sweetheart! The more I learned about his character the more I fell in love with him. He had such a rough childhood, and it made him doubt his worth. It was sweet to watch him work through his trauma, and the timing of everything felt very realistic. He did do some back and forth with Demi, but it made sense to me because he felt so unworthy.

Demi was a fun character! It was interesting to see her come to life the longer she was out of her family’s thumb. It made me want to read the other books, so I could see more of her transformation. But I still felt like I related to her character and understood the story even though I hadn’t read the other books.

This was a sweet story that I sped through! It’s a closed door romcom perfect for fans of brother’s best friend trope. This one hints at some other HEAs to come which I’m excited for! I would totally recommend this adorable romance.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.

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