Season’s Scheming

About the Book:

Title: Season’s Scheming
Author: Katie Bailey
Release Date: December 1st, 2023
Genre: Romantic Comedy

When Maddie Grainger’s longtime boyfriend dumps her on TV for the entire world to see, she thinks she’s hit rock bottom.

Until her parents announce that they’re spending the holidays with her ex’s family… And he’ll be bringing the woman he left her for.

All Maddie wants for Christmas is to stick it to her cheating ex. But how?

Enter Sebastian Slater, the NHL’s most infamous player.

On a drunken night out in Vegas, Maddie asks the superstar athlete to pose as her new boyfriend. She’s kidding, mostly. But Seb shocks her by making a counter offer: he doesn’t want to date Maddie for the holidays… he wants to marry her.

Show up at her ex’s cabin alone, or with a surprise new hockey-playing husband? Maddie opts for the ultimate level up.

Because maybe, just maybe, revenge is a dish best served betrothed.

Book Review:

What an adorable book! I actually laughed out loud at it too! It is a quick holiday read full of swoony moments, hilarious characters, and all around holiday fun! When Maddie Grainger’s longtime boyfriend dumps her on TV for the entire world to see, she thinks she’s hit rock bottom. Until her parents announce they will be spending the holidays with her ex’s family and the woman he left her for. All she wants is to stick it to her cheating ex, but how? Sebastian Slater, the NHL’s most infamous player, might be her answer. A drunken night out in Vegas, leads to Maddie asking the superstar athlete to pose as her new boyfriend, a joke, mostly. But Seb has a counteroffer, marriage. Show up at her ex’s cabin alone, or with a surprise new hockey-playing husband? Maddie chooses the ultimate level up. Because maybe, revenge is a dish best served betrothed.

I flew through this story! It is a novella and a perfect holiday pick-me-up. Maddie was such a fun narrator. I felt for her, she was coming out of a difficult time in her life and had a lot of changes. I appreciated how she chose to move forward and her vibrant personality. I definitely related to her lack of outdoorsy-ness too! I also loved the relationship she had with her brother. As someone who is close with their siblings, I love reading about siblings! She and Seb were adorable too! They genuinely enjoyed each other’s company and I loved seeing the growth of their relationship. They were so swoony and charming! I loved how they supported one another, even amidst their unusual relationship. Seb was a lovely MMC and I loved his hockey team too! They were hilarious and I would love to read more about them. They really stood together as a team.

This was a low-stress read with plenty of banter and romance! I enjoyed the side characters and was rooting for the main characters. It also has a cameo from a previous book’s character! This is a closed door romance.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.

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