
About the Book:

Unseen (Guardian #7) (Guardians) by [Traci Hunter Abramson]

Title: Unseen
Series: The Guardians #7
Author: Traci Hunter Abramson
Publisher: Covenant Communications
Release Date: August 15th, 2023
Genre: Suspense

You never know when you’ll be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Manuel never expected to be condemned to life in prison for something as mundane as going to buy milk. When the guardian program offers him a way out, he fakes his death and becomes a ghost, protecting U.S. government operatives in Central and South America.

Laura’s work as a nurse practitioner in San Diego has pushed her to the breaking point. Her visit to Honduras to see her abuela is supposed to be a respite from the pressure. In a split second, however, Laura is captured in a deadly case of mistaken identity. The outlook is dire until a mysterious rescuer appears, launching the pair on a desperate flight to freedom.

Manuel’s skills are pushed to the limit as he races to get Laura out of the country alive. What begins as a connection forged in a shared ordeal quickly deepens, and Manuel and Laura must learn to trust their instincts—and their hearts—if they hope to survive..

Book Review:

Oh my goodness this was such an exciting and thrilling read! Unseen is the 7th book in Traci Hunter Abramson’s Guardian series. I have loved Abramson’s books and I am so glad that I got the chance to read this book. 

Manuel and Laura were fun to read about. They were facing unbeatable odds and yet they were trying their best to survive. I love getting to know Manual and Laura, they were such engaging characters and I wanted them to be happy. Manual was such an interesting character especially because he didn’t not necessarily want to be a guardian. Manual was just trying to make through and help those around him. Laura was also so cool especially because she was in a stressful situation and yet she was still positive. 

I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see how this book would end. Manuel and Laura were on the run as they tried to hide from the local gangs in Hounders, especially the ones that wanted them dead. There were so many different things that were going on and I didn’t know how it was going to end. I loved the characters, they really drew me in. Abramson wrote the perfect blend of romance and suspense. I really enjoyed Unseen and I would definitely recommend it! Unseen is a clean romantic suspense. 

Content warnings: violence, gang activity,

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the publisher through Netgalley. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, a positive review was not required.

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