The Temporary Roomie

The Temporary Roomie: A Romantic Comedy (It Happened in Nashville Book 2) by [Sarah Adams]

Title: The Temporary Roomie
Series: It Happened in Nashville #2
Author: Sarah Adams
Release Date: 
April 1, 2021
Genre: Romantic Comedy

What happens when you have to play nice with your greatest enemy? Revenge.

Drew Marshall may have let me move into his spare bedroom while my house is being renovated, but don’t think for one second his kindness comes without strings. Big, ugly, fake relationship strings. 

That’s okay, though, Dr. Andrew. I’ll agree to your terms, move into your house, and act like
your girlfriend when the big day comes; but I also plan to make your life miserable—make you pay for what you did to me. 

I may not be good at forgiving or forgetting, but I’m excellent at getting even.

Book Review:

The 2nd book in the It Happened in Nashville Series, The Temporary Roomie is a closed-door, rom-com featuring an enemies-to-lovers story! Though it could be read as a stand-alone, it is so fun having read the first book, The Off-Limits Rule, first! This book is about Jessie, Lucy’s boss who you meet in the first book, and Drew, Lucy’s brother, who already have an antagonistic relationship set up before the story starts. Jessie’s house is being renovated and Drew offers up his spare bedroom. In return, she will pretend to be his girlfriend in front of his coworkers. But Jessie has plans to make Drew pay, if there is anything she is good at it is getting even.

I was so excited to read this book! First of all, what a fun cover! It is one of my favorite colors and I love her art! Ms. Adams does her own covers and I love how they fit the books! 2nd, I had read all of Ms. Adams’s other books and they are so funny and enjoyable to read. After reading The Off-Limits Rule, I was so interested to see Jessie and Drew’s story. Personally, I enjoy series or connected books because of the buildup and development that can be created. Having the hints of Jessie and Drew definitely made me excited for their story.

Jessie’s perspective was hilarious! I loved seeing Lucy and Cooper from her perspective and they were adorable. She had gone through a lot and still kept going with such fierceness. However, she also had a lot of insecurities and was soo stubborn. It took her a little while to realize her own feelings. But watching her fight falling in love in Drew was portrayed in a way that while I was a little bit frustrated with her, it was believable and funny. Drew was so sweet. He had always been the reliable and dependable one, but with Jessie he could relax and mess around. 

As they pranked each other and pushed each other’s buttons, Jessie and Drew began to relax their barriers. The lines were blurring and they had to deal with their emotions. Honestly, pranks aren’t really my thing and there was a point where I felt kinda bad about a prank that seemed too much (sorry for vague reference, trying to not do any spoilers!). However, overall I enjoyed this though it definitely is PG-13. It is a closed-door romance with mild language and suggestive content. There is also a gay couple who have a significant role in the story. If you are into rom-coms, and don’t mind a little bit of steam, this is the book for you!

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.

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