Lady Ivy and the Irishman

About the Book:

Title: Lady Ivy and the Irishman
Series: Clairvoir Castle Romances #5
Author: Sally Britton
Publisher: Pink Citrus Books
Release Date: May 27th, 2024
Genre: Historical Romance

Bound by her family’s expectations, Lady Ivy never thought freedom would come in the form of a charming Irish baron with a penchant for flirtation.

Lady Ivy Amberton, weighed down by her family’s expectations, has often struggled to navigate the complexities of high society—until the arrival of Lord Dunmore, a dashing Irish baron whose open charm and spirited view of life turn her world upside down. As Ivy grapples with the unfamiliar thrill of attraction, she is compelled to reconsider her understanding of what it means to truly be herself.

Teague Frost, whose tenure in Parliament has cemented his views on the rigidity of the English, finds himself unexpectedly captivated by Ivy’s intelligence and grace. Her sincerity challenges his prejudices and sparks an affection he had not anticipated. Together, they explore the surprising depths of their connection, each learning to appreciate new truths about themselves and the world.

As their relationship deepens, Ivy and Teague are confronted with the profound implications of their attraction. Can Ivy embrace her true desires and the possibility of a love that defies her family’s plans? Will Teague allow his unexpected love to transform him, fighting for a future that honors both his heritage and his heart?

Set against the elegant backdrop of Regency England, “Lady Ivy and the Irishman” is a tale of self-discovery and unexpected love.

Book Review:

Another charming addition to the Clairvoir Castle series! These never disappoint and are always perfect for a cozy low-stress read!

I love the continuation of the series. It is so exciting to see Teague again! He is so sweet. I loved how he cared for his family and how seriously he took his responsibilities. Yet, he also was light-hearted and teasing, especially with Ivy. I loved how they complimented one another and supported another. Ms. Britton writes romances where they are partners and friends as well! The way he not only supported Ivy, but also her sisters was so swoony. 

Ivy was so sweet. She cared so much for her sisters. I love sister relationships and this one was so lovely! Ivy learns how to be truly herself throughout the story and the importance of her voice. She had perspective that Teague did not and a willingness to learn that was so fun to see. 

It was also cool to see everyone in the series from her perspective. I loved all of the books in this series and was so excited to return to Clairvoir. The story was so well-paced and I loved the way Teague and Ivy communicated. It was such a charming read! This is a sweet historical romance with only kissing! It is part of a series, but can be read as a standalone,

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.

Mistletoe for Felicity

About the Book:

Title: Mistletoe for Felicity
Author: Sally Britton
Publisher: Pink Citrus Books
Release Date: November 20th, 2023
Genre: Historical Romance

A Yuletide romance where fate, duty, and the magic of Christmas intertwine.

Lady Felicity Winters, having lost the last of her family, is alone in the world. Theodore “Tad” Harcourt, a merchant’s son is thrust into navigating the complexities of high society. The two are bound in an arranged marriage—both a boon and a challenge.

As winter’s chill gives way to holiday warmth, Felicity and Tad tentatively explore their new life together. From snowball fights with village children to the sparkle of a grand Christmas ball, their journey turns into a heartwarming adventure filled with newfound trust and festive cheer.

Yet questions remain—does Felicity see beyond her role as a dutiful wife, and can Tad truly find his place in her world? This tender, closed-door Regency romance unfurls beneath mistletoe and candlelight, where love dispels all doubts, and Christmas joy resides in the most unexpected corners. Open this cozy tale and let it melt your heart this holiday season.

Book Review:

This was adorable! I actually said “This was cute” when I finished it! It is the perfect holiday read, full of charming sweet romance and the beautiful feelings of Christmas! Lady Felicity Winters is alone in the world after losing the last of her family. Theodore “Tad” Harcourt is a merchant’s son thrust into navigating the complexities of high society. They are bound in an arranged marriage, a boon and a challenge. The winter’s chill gives way to holiday warmth and they tentatively explore their new life together. Snowball fights with the village children and the sparkle of a grand Chrismtas ball accompany their heartwarming adventure of newfound trust and festive cheer. But there are still questions about their new lives, does Felicity see beyond her role as a dutiful wife and can Tad find his place in her world?

From the start, this was charming and engaging. Felicity was a sweetheart, trying to make the best out of her circumstances. While an arranged marriage may not have been the dream she had for herself, she was determined  to make the best of it. I loved her gentle, but positive nature. She found joy in helping others and connecting with those around her. Felicity was so genuine in her desire to support and grow to love Tad. Their romance was gradual and sweet. Tad was lovely! He was trying so hard to be a good husband and take care of his new responsibilities. He was used to work and it had moved him forward, but now he had a wife and a new life with her. He had to settle into his place and let go of his worries about it. 

I loved the setting! The village was idyllic and contributed to the magical Chrsitmas feels! While there were some side characters that I would love to see more of, the focus of the story was Felicity and Tad. It was a lot of fun to see all the festive winter activities and it made me even more excited for Christmas! The painting was such a fun addition, I loved the way it added to the magic of Chrismtas! This is a closed-door romance with cozy Christmas vibes!

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.

An Engagement with the Enemy

About the Book:

An Engagement with the Enemy (Castles & Courtship) by [Sally Britton]

Title: An Engagement with the Enemy
Series: Castles and Courtships #4
Author: Sally Britton
Publisher: Pink Citrus Books
Release Date: September 8th, 2023
Genre: Historical Romance

Debutantes, debates, and disasters abound when two former enemies join forces to maintain their freedom.

James Aldwick isn’t ready to settle down, but his father, Baron Retford, doesn’t give him a choice. The stigma of illegitimacy has haunted the baron his whole life, and it’s up to his son to reestablish their good name by marrying into a family with a perfect pedigree. A series of summer parties is the obvious course of action and the perfect opportunity to parade eligible ladies before the reluctant James.

Jessica Westcote, the youngest daughter of an earl, has resisted marriage to every stuffy lord her parents present to her. She wants a love match, not a business alliance. Unfortunately, the only man to ever evoke more than a tepid response from her heart is Mr. Aldwick, and passionate fury isn’t the same thing as ardent love. When an invitation to Retford Castle’s long list of events arrives, Jessica surprises herself by accepting.

James is just as surprised to see his childhood nemesis and neighbor as a frequent guest, but he is certain his former foe won’t lay down arms long enough for a truce, let alone a courtship. Battle lines are drawn, but it isn’t long before those lines begin to blur. Are they friends or foes? Enemies or allies? As the end of summer approaches and James must make his choice, can Jessica forget the past long enough to imagine a future with him?

Book Review:

Another adorable historical romance from Ms. Britton! I had so much fun with James and Jessica. James Aldwick isn’t ready to settle down, but his father, Baron Retford, is determined. The stigma of illegitimacy has haunted him, and his son must reestablish their good name through a perfect marriage. He plans to ensure it through a series of summer parties, the perfect opportunity to parade eligible ladies before James. Jessica Westcote is the only daughter of a gentleman and the dearest friend of James’s sister. The invitation to Amoret Castle’s summer events is the perfect time to spend with her friend, not the infuriating James, even if she does enjoy their spats. Her father’s announcement that she must be betrothed by the end of the summer leaves her with more than she would like in common with James. Will they be able to sustain a truce long enough to avoid matrimony? And what happens when the battle lines begin to blur? 

This had so many things I love about enemies-to-lovers! They were both intelligent and their banter was never malicious. They found enjoyment in each other’s company and their back-and-forth. James was sweet! I appreciated his commitment to his family and how he and his sister were friends. I loved the gradual falling and realization. Jessica was so strong! The juxtaposition of her strong will and her struggles just made me empathize with her more. In many ways, she felt trapped by them, but she found ways to cope and adjust. I loved their partnership! I think it is one of the most swoony elements of a romance, how a couple supports and makes the other better. Their initial partnership to avoid marriage leads them to seeing how they complement one another! They are adorable! 

Both of their families were also so sweet! Even though they were pushing marriage on them, they sincerely wanted good for them. It was fun to see all the characters coming in during the story and how James and Jessica schemed together. I had so much fun with the historical romance. It is a standalone story with only kissing! 

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, a positive review was not required. 

Romancing the Artist

About the Book:

Painting the Summer: A Regency Romance (Return to Inglewood Book 1) by [Sally Britton]

Title: Romancing the Artist
Series: Return to Inglewood #1
Author: Sally Britton
Publisher: Pink Citrus Books
Release Date: May 30th, 2023
Genre: Historical Romance

A budding artist, a gentleman-in-training, and a fake courtship that takes both of them by surprise.

Caroline Clapham isn’t a world renown artist—she’s simply a farmer’s daughter possessed of natural talent with a paintbrush. Talent that her mentor, the Countess of Inglewood, is happy to foster for a summer at her beautiful seaside estate. Caroline wants to see the world and commit its beauties to canvas, but she fears that the season will end and she will return home as insignificant as ever. The lure of an adventure and the enchanting Inglewood estate keep her dreams alive, but when she meets Edward Everly and agrees to fake a courtship with him, those dreams begin to change.

Mr. Edward Everly is preparing to take over the management of the estate from his father. His new responsibilities are many and varied, and include marrying the girl his parents have selected for him. Unfortunately, the chosen bride is in love with another, and Edward would rather help her cause than champion his own. When he stumbles upon Miss Clapham painting in the woods, he hasn’t any idea the upheaval she will cause to all his plans. The beautiful young artist agrees to enter into a pretend courtship with him, but before summer’s end, Edward’s emotions are far from feigned.

Though it starts as a ruse, Caroline and Edward’s relationship quickly deepens into something neither of them expected. Edward has a role to fill, and Caroline’s lifelong dream is almost within reach. Will their pretend courtship have the chance to blossom into more, or will Edward follow the wishes of his family and risk breaking more than his own heart?

Book Review:

We are back at Inglewood! Oh, this was such a pleasure to read! I  was so excited to read this and actually finished the original Inglewood series in anticipation of this book. Caroline Clapham is no renown artist, just a farmer’s daughter with some natural painting talent. Her mentor, the Countess of Inglewood is happy to offer her a summer to find inspiration and hone her ability at the beautiful seaside estate. Caroline hopes to see the world and display it through her canvas, but she fears that she may return home just as insignificant. While her time at Inglewood proves inspiring, meeting Edward Everly and beginning a fake courtship begins to change her dreams. Mr. Edward  Everly is preparing to take over the family estate and to his parents that includes marriage to the lady of their choosing. Unfortunately, she is in love with another and Edward is happy to help her. Meeting Miss Clapham painting in the woods, he has no idea what she will bring to his life. However, the relationship soon develops into more than they expected. Will they have the opportunity to explore their courtship or will their plans keep them apart?

This was so sweet! Caroline was so relatable! She had dreams of being an artist and while she was working hard to pursue her art, yet she was plagued with doubts and worries about it. She saw what it would take to succeed, and how it might conflict with other hopes she had. Yet at the same time, she was willing to help her new friends. I admired her courage and appreciated her close family ties. Her love for her family was evident and I was so happy to read about that!  Her  journey felt real and I was so excited for her.

 Edward was so sweet! He did not want to disappoint anyone and wanted to take ownership of his responsibilities. But he felt stifled by the expectations of his parents. He had to learn where the balance was, where he wasn’t’ giving himself up to fit some sort of mold. It was so sweet to watch them fall in love! I feel like they really connected with each other.

It was lovely to see former characters! I enjoyed seeing them from a different perspective as well. The other side characters were also lots of fun. Mariah was a sweetheart and Claude was definitely a surprise. While there were a few plot twists and surprises along the way, this was a really enjoyable romance read. There is only kissing.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.

A Companion for the Count

A Companion for the Count: A Regency Romance (Clairvoir Castle Romances Book 2) by [Sally Britton]

About the Book:

Title: A Companion for the Count
Series: Clairvoir Castle Romances Book 2
Author: Sally Britton
Publisher: Pink Citrus Books
Release Date: 
May 2, 2021
Genre: Regency Romance

Miss Emma Arlen’s position as a companion never included distracting her mistress’s suitors, but when a handsome Italian ambassador arrives determined to find an English bride, Emma happily takes up the cause.

Emma Arlen has spent a decade as a member of the duke’s family, in the position of companion to his daughter and ward to the duke himself. She would do anything to show her support to the ducal family for their love and kindness. When Lady Elinor begs Emma to distract a most determined Sicilian suitor, she agrees at once. How hard can it be to keep one man entertained for a few weeks?

Luca, the Conte di Atella, left his home in the newly formed Kingdom of the Two Sicilies under the direct orders of King Ferdinand I. Luca’s duty as ambassador to England includes everything from negotiating better trade agreements to strengthening the bonds between the two nations. If possible, by marrying a lady of high birth. When he optimistically sets his sights on Lady Elinor, Miss Arlen consistently disrupts his plans. The more time that passes, the more he realizes he does not mind at all.

Continually in the conte’s company, Emma recognizes in him a spirit of adventure and nobility like she has never witnessed before. When the time comes for him to go, will she be able to part with him and keep her heart intact?

Book Review:

The 2nd book in the Castle Clairvoir romances, A Companion for the Count is a sweet regency romance perfect for spring! Emma has grown up alongside the Duke of Montfort’s family as his ward and companion to Lady Josephine, his daughter. She is loyal to the family and loves being with them, yet feels slightly apart from them. The arrival of an Italian ambassador who she and Lady Josephine are to help welcome, brings new uncertainties to her life. 

This was so cute! J had the opportunity to read the 1st book, Mr. Gardiner and the Governess, so I was so excited for this story! Emma seemed so kind and intelligent. I was just waiting for her book! It was just as good as I hoped!  Emma is intelligent, thoughtful, and observant. I really liked her and think that I would love to have her as a friend. Luca was also very sweet. He was so serious and intentional. I loved seeing both of their perspectives, especially of each other! They both found the other so compelling. It was lovely to see them grow comfortable with one another. I thought that it was also lovely to see how they complemented each other. They were both very intelligent and educated, aware of politics. Emma was really able to help Luca with her knowledge and lightheartedness. He brought her companionship, with care and intelligent conversation. They could talk to each other and truly understand each other. Both of them had insecurities that they had to overcome in their love story. 

I also loved seeing characters from the last book and some set up for the next book! It was so cool to see life at Clairvoir from a different perspective. I thought that it was also cool to see into another country through Luca. I would definitely recommend this book to those looking for a sweet clean regency romance. It was super cute and you should definitely also read Mr. Gardiner and the Governess, the first book.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.