Betting on the Brainiac

About the Book:

Title: Betting on the Brainiac
Series: Betting on Love #3
Author: Melanie Jacobson
Release Date: May 1st, 2024
Genre: Romantic Comedy

I have twenty million reasons to marry the nerdiest coder in Austin for a year…

When my roommate bets that she can find me true love, it’s the easiest bet I’ll ever take. Her first pick is a software developer with a hoodie habit who thinks I’m a party girl airhead. Yeah, mark me safe from Ruby’s schemes.

But when she pitches a plan to let him work on his software in my empty night club during the day, I say yes. It’s easy cash for my secret passion project, plus Oliver is zero threat to my single status.

Except Oliver turns out to be funnier than I expect, and a better listener than I’m used to. It could be a problem–until a mysterious stranger crashes an exclusive masquerade party at the club. He knocks my stilettos off with the hottest kiss of my life, and I’m all in on the hunt for the identity of the man who made me go literally weak in the knees.

Oliver is forgotten until my mother descends from her ill-gotten mansion for her annual guilt-trip about “wasting my privilege.” But my trust fund will only hand her the reins to control me, and that’s a hard no.

Oliver comes up with a plan to unlock my enormous inheritance, balance my parents’ extremely bad karma, and make my passion project a reality…for the price of three million dollars. Oh, and marrying him for a year.

It’s almost worth it. If only he could find my kiss-and-run Romeo, I could be on the verge of everything I’ve ever wanted…

Book Review:

I really loved Madison, and her character arc. She was so interesting with lots of layers especially around her family past. I love how Jacobson writes flawed female characters who are genuinely trying to do the right thing but also learning what that right thing is. Madison was figuring herself and her family out. Thankfully, she had Oliver to help her.

Oliver was such a sweetheart! He was an interesting one because he seemed super quiet, but he had a ton of wit in him. He was falling hard for Madison, but he wasn’t about to settle for anything other than love. I loved seeing him and Madison grow closer together, and their banter was hilarious. They were both so quick witted, and their conversations always made me smile. I really liked how they became friends first.

As always, the roommates are crazy but so much fun! The whole apartment complex is hilarious, and we get to see more of Josh and Joey in this book which I loved. And some hints of a future HEA for Ruby. 

I loved this book so much! It made me laugh out loud a couple of times, and I couldn’t put it down. While Madison and Oliver’s romance is fast, it doesn’t feel rushed at all. This is a closed door rom com with innuendos, a toxic family relationship, and a club scene. I would recommend it for older teens and up. It’s part of a series, but it can be read standalone.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.

Cocoa Kisses

About the Book:

Title: Cocoa Kisses
Series: Creekville Kisses #5
Author: Melanie Jacobson
Release Date: November 16th, 2023
Genre: Romantic Comedy

Two old friends, a snowed in cabin, and a mission to save Creekville’s Christmas…

Taylor Bixby is content running her café and watching her customers fall in love. She wouldn’t mind a little mistletoe magic herself, but the last kiss to curl her toes was from an old friend–an eggnog-fueled mistake. It’s a good thing he hasn’t been around for the four Christmases since.

She’s got her hands full overseeing the town’s most beloved holiday tradition, and she’s fine leaving Levi Taft—and the night they don’t speak of—in the past.

Until he walks into her café without warning.

Levi Taft is back in Creekville to fix what he broke four years ago. He misses his best friend too much to let their friendship fade, and he sees his chance to make things right when catastrophe threatens Taylor’s ambitious Christmas Town plans.

It’s simple. They just need to outrun the blizzard of the decade to wrangle eight grumpy rental reindeer…and escape a snowbound cabin in a forest riddled with absurd amounts of mistletoe. Oh, and restore a little boy’s faith in Santa.

Christmas needs saving, but is Taylor willing to try when it means risking her secrets for the only man to ever break her heart?

Book Review:

This was such a cute book! I have been loving reading more and more Christms books lately, and this one was adorable.

I am a huge fan of friends to lovers, and Taylor and Levi were too cute! They had a ton of good banter, and I love how they fell right back into their old friendship. Their family was a lot of fun too, and I thought the sisterly relationship between Sara and Taylor was super fun. 

This novella goes pretty quick as Taylor and Levi are confronted with their old feelings through a series of meddling family members. It definitely kept me wanting to read more without worrying about their relationship. I would definitely recommend this novella! It’s adorable, and even though it’s short, Taylor and Levi’s relationship doesn’t seem rushed which I appreciated. It’s a closed door romcom part of the Creekville Kisses series but able to read standalone.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.

The Fall Back Plan

About the Book:

The Fall Back Plan: An Enemies to Lovers RomCom by [Melanie Jacobson]

Title: The Fall Back Plan
Series: Sweater Weather #2
Author: Melanie Jacobson
Release Date: September 7th, 2023
Genre: Romantic Comedy

The bad boy and the golden girl have traded places…

I’m back in Harvest Hollow after ten years to prove a point and to even a few scores. I’ve opened a new bar, and anyone expecting the old sweet and shy Jolie McGraw to be running it is in for a shock.

I’m not the only one who’s changed: when the sheriff comes to tell me I’m the prime suspect in the most ridiculous crime in town history, it’s none other than Lucas Cole, the former star of my teenage stress dreams, wearing the badge.

Seriously? The smack-talking punk I was forced to tutor in math is now one of the town’s most upstanding citizens? This isn’t what I had in mind for turning the tables on my former tormentors.

I blow him off…until I meet the niece he’s raising. I see so much of my younger self in her. But when I agree to help when she needs a woman in her life, Lucas uses it as a chance to build a case that he’s the man I need in mine.

That’s a hard no. No to love. No to Lucas.

But when Harvest Hollow’s nosiest forces combine to push us together, I’m not sure my heart stands a chance.

The Fall Back Plan is a small town, closed door enemies-to-lovers single dad romcom. You’ll get swoony kisses and characters to root for but no spice. Perfect for fans of the Emily Henry/Abbie Jimenez vibe who prefer less heat.


Book Review:

This book was adorable! I have loved Melanie Jacobson’s books, and this one was no exception. This Sweater Weather series is a ton of fun!

I loved Jolie’s character from the beginning. I feel like she was a good mix of prickly while still having a really sweet heart. She had been burned repeatedly in the past, but I didn’t feel like she was a jerk. Plus, it was very satisfying to see her rub her success in some people’s faces. I appreciated too how she and Lucas didn’t have constant miscommunications. While there were some unresolved issues, they worked through them and saw the people they were now instead of who they were in high school.

I loved Lucas from the beginning! He was such a sweetheart, and I liked how he fought for what he believed was right. He wasn’t willing to bend when the powerful people in the town tried to push him around. And his relationship with his niece, Brooklyn, was adorable! I really liked how Jolie and Brooklyn bonded so well together. I thought that Brooklyn’s character was really well done. She wasn’t too angsty, but she also had a ton of emotions as a young girl navigating the teenage years.

This was such a cute read! It had some mystery hints to it which resolved very nicely, but I don’t feel like it overwhelmed the main story of Lucas and Jolie. I would definitely recommend this closed door, cozy, fall read!

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.

Betting on the Best Friend’s Brother

About the Book:

Betting on the Best Friend's Brother: a Sweet Romantic Comedy (Betting on Love) by [Melanie Jacobson]

Title: Betting on the Best Friend’s Brother
Series: Betting on Love #2
Author: Melanie Jacobson
Release Date: June 14th, 2023
Genre: Romantic Comedy

From brilliant geneticist to . . . bombshell on the prowl?!

My roommates say I’m a workaholic, so my best friend and bossiest roommate makes fixing my love life her summer project.

But makeover schemes? And blind dates with her weird library patrons? Not the answer.


Then she calls in her brother, Joey, as a dating coach, and it’s officially my worst nightmare.

Joey is one of Austin’s hottest heartthrobs, and I fell for him when I was fourteen. No other guy has ever measured up.

I’ll do anything to keep Joey from finding out—including putting up with a bombshell transformation—especially if fake lashes hide will my true feelings when he looks at me.

He rejected me once, and it nearly broke me. I’ll never give him that chance again.

Book Review:

This was such a cute book! I loved the first book in this series, and this one was just as good. It was so fun to read about Ava and Josh.

I loved Ava and her character growth in this book. It was fun to read about a strong, confident, STEM scientist. It was cool to see her connecting with every part of herself. She had thought that she couldn’t be interested in “girly” stuff like clothes and makeup, but as she went on all of her dates, she loosened up and learned there was more to life than work. It was fun to see her and Josh actually talk and get to know each other.

Josh had never really noticed Ava except in a little sister sort of way, so it was fun to read about him see her almost for the first time. Josh took a little longer for me to warm up too, but I fell so hard for him! He really was a sweetheart underneath his playboy exterior. And it was sweet to see how much he loved Ava.

This book was overall a ton of fun! There are so wacky side characters and twists that I didn’t see it coming. I would definitely recommend it! It is a closed door romcom that is part of a series but can be read standalone. I do think it is more fun read in order though!

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, a positive review was not required. 

Betting on the Boy Next Door

About the Book:

Betting on the Boy Next Door: a Sweet Romantic Comedy (Betting on Love) by [Melanie Jacobson]

Title: Betting on the Boy Next Door
Series: Betting on Love #1
Author: Melanie Jacobson
Release Date: March 7th, 2023
Genre: Romantic Comedy

Make one stupid bet and suddenly you’re fake dating your hot new neighbor…

There is nothing like hiding a secret identity from your roommate besties to complicate . . . everything. And when they decide I need a love life makeover, I can’t tell them why I don’t have time for their schemes.

Retirement home nurse by day, lead singer of a rock band by night. Not on the schedule? Men. I’d rather cuddle with Bernice, the hangry boa next door.

I can’t think of an excuse fast enough to get out of betting my prime parking space against them finding me true love, but luckily, they pick the worst possible guy for me.

Sure, our new neighbor, Josh, is hot, but he’s from an Austin family whose money is so old, it’s dusty. Been there, done that, and I’m not going back to be broken again by a man just like my ex.

This bet is as good as won.

The thing is, Josh isn’t easy to shake, especially after he discovers my rock ‘n’ roll alter ego.

When a fake dating agreement, a cursing parrot, and our late-night balcony talks lead to kisses so hot they melt me, I’m forced to decide: can I gamble my heart on a society guy who is expected to settle down with someone exactly not like me?

Book Review:

I love Melanie Jacobson’s book, and this one did not disappoint. This was such a cute read about staying true to yourself and changing people’s perspective of you. I love how Sami and Josh made each other better, and it was adorable to see them together!

I think Sami was such a fun character. She had been burned before, and now, she was determined to protect her heart and her identity, she wasn’t going to change for a guy again. I loved her authenticity and her spirit! She didn’t let people push her around, which was perfect if she was going to survive Josh’s world.

Josh was such a sweetheart! He looked like he had it all together, but he was still trying to amend for his mistakes. I loved watching him reconcile with his family and learn also how to stand up for himself. I did think he was a little bit too harsh on his family for not believing that he had changed though. I understood his side of things, but I also understood how his family felt.

It was sweet to watch Josh and Sami come together! I loved how Josh fought with Sami in a really respectful, cute way. And their banter was awesome! That was honestly the first thing that stuck out to me. The banter in this book was a lot of fun! There are a bit more innuendos than some of her other books, but this is still a clean read.

This is a fun closed door romcom that I would recommend to any romance lovers!

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.

Kiss and Tell

About the Book:

Kiss and Tell: A Small Town Romantic Comedy (Creekville Kisses) by [Melanie Jacobson]

Title: Kiss and Tell
Series: Creekville Kisses #3
Author: Melanie Jacobson
Release Date: August 12th, 2022
Genre: Romantic Comedy

Her ex is back to hold her to a marriage pact they made ten years ago . . .

Tabitha Winters, glamorous celebrity chef, loves her life and growing empire in New York. But when her best friends buy the old summer camp where they worked as counselors, she can’t turn down their invitation to appear at the opening week fundraising gala . . . even if it means confronting the memories of her first love and its disastrous ending.

She never imagines she’ll run into Sawyer Reed again—her old flame has no business being at Oak Crest. And worse? He’s there to collect on a marriage pact they made ten years ago when they were clueless college kids.

But Tabitha never could resist a dare, and when Sawyer double dares her to give him a week to show her they still have their old magic, she’s all in to prove he’s wrong.

Only she doesn’t count on him knowing her better than he has a right to. Or having the perfect dates to charm her. And she definitely didn’t plan on their attraction still burning hotter than the end-of-season bonfire. But summer camp isn’t real life, and Tabitha won’t let the spell he’s weaving derail her well-planned future. Except no other guy has ever gotten to her the way Sawyer does, and as his knee-buckling kisses work their magic, Tabitha wonders: can she risk her heart again on the only man who ever broke it?

Book Review:

This was such a fun romcom! I honestly love the romcom genre so much. They always make me laugh and swoon. And Kiss and Tell was no exception.

Tabitha was definitely a strong personality. She was feisty and determined, but she had a tendency to hide her feelings. She didn’t want to show who she really was, so she hid herself behind pranks and games. I didn’t connect with her as much as I connected with Grace, but I still understood her. And I loved Natalie! She was so funny and definitely a little too opinionated 🙂

Sawyer was a sweetheart! I honestly didn’t like him that much in the beginning, but he definitely grew on me. It felt like he was playing too many games for me at first, but he knew that Tabitha would run away if he came on too strong. 

I thought it was cute to see how they helped each other relax and open up. They were still good together even though it had been nine years. And their banter made me laugh out loud!

We get to see all of our favorite characters again too! Of course Miss Lily, who is very willing to give Tabitha some advice. She always makes me laugh. And Grace is back too. I was happy to see their good sibling relationship 🙂 Overall this was a fun, cute book that I would recommend to any rom com fans!

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.