
About the Book:

Title: Disconnect
Series: Saint Squad #13
Author: Traci Hunter Abramson
Publisher: Covenant Communications
Release Date: June 4th, 2024
Genre: Romantic Suspense

Brent Miller is still trying to get past the nightmares of his last mission into Nicaragua when a new commander takes charge of his navy SEAL team. Commander Gardner has just one objective: to further his career. And the so-called Saint Squad is in his way. When Gardner makes changes that threaten operational readiness, the squad is determined to fight back—until a familiar terrorist threat resurfaces, compelling the once formidable team to battle on two fronts against seemingly insurmountable odds.

When their equipment fails inexplicably, Brent and the other members of the squad realize too late that the terrorists they’re fighting wield a devastating electrical power that could effectively cripple and endanger the nation. Forced to utilize their ingenuity and what little resources they have to circumvent their new commander, while also welcoming in the new president of the United States, Jim Whitmore, the team faces a chilling reality: even if they find a way to neutralize the terrorist threat, bringing everyone home safely may be their greatest challenge yet. 

Book Review:

This was a whirlwind, I didn’t want to put it down. I have been eagerly awaiting another Saint Squad book and it did not disappoint. Disconnect is the 13th book in Traci Hunter Abramson’s Saint Squad series. 

There was just so much going on in this book, but I loved every part of it. It was so cool to see the Saint Squad again. Their interactions are so fun and I really like the family relationship that they have. 

The suspense had me on the edge of my seat. Abramson certainly knows how to write characters, good and bad. Oh my goodness, the office drama was perfect. There were some characters that I disliked so badly. There were so many things leading up to the ending and I did not see it coming.

I really liked getting to see the guys interacting with each other and their wives. Also seeing the Whitmore again is always fun. The Whitmore family is amazing as always. Also the topics that Abramson was able to write about. These characters became my friends and I felt for them as they dealt with different issues in life. Also, I just loved Amy and Brett in this book!

Disconnect is a must read. Be prepared for a roller coaster of feelings. I would definitely recommend Disconnect! It should be read in order to fully understand the characters. Disconnect is a clean suspense novel. 

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.

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