Assassin of Fire and Sacrifice

About the Book:

Title: Assassin of Fire and Sacrifice
Series: Sacrificed Hearts #5
Author: Mary Mecham
Release Date: April 5th, 2023
Genre: Fantasy Romance

To assassinate her target, she must marry her enemy.

Azora has dedicated her life to exacting revenge on the phoenix shifters who murdered her parents. When Prince Tarquin of Pyren demands a bride as part of a peace treaty, the elite strike squad of assassins Azora belongs to agree—she’s the perfect candidate to eliminate the monstrous shifter.

The traces of Pyrenese blood flowing in her veins grant her immunity to fire and will allow her to slay Tarquin, for a phoenix can only be destroyed by one descended from Pyren. The safety of all Termarth is dependent on Azora to maintain her cover; her true identity must never be discovered.

With the tantalizing offer of peace on the altar, Azora weds Tarquin, knowing that as soon as the peace treaty is broken, either bride or groom will be the first casualty. But just as Azora begins to uncover the man behind the monster, skirmishes erupt throughout the land. When the time arrives to finally eliminate the threat to Termarth, Azora’s loyalties are torn.

She intended to gamble her life away, not her heart.

Book Review:

Oh my goodness! What an adventure! I was so excited about this series and this book was so exciting. I love the mix of action, intrigue, and romance within Ms. Mecham books! I love the fantasy elements of the series and the mythical creatures inspiration..

Azora was so cool! She had a rough childhood and had dedicated her life to exacting revenge on the phoenix shifters who killed her family. I admired her ferocity and tenacity. She was an assassin and warrior. It was so fun to have her be the perspective we see of Pyren. We get to learn about the kingdom through her eyes. As she balances hiding the traces of Pyrenese blood, to complete her mission of eliminating Prince Tarquin, she finds surprising secrets arising. I loved seeing how she and Tarquin were able to get to know one another. They both were so guarded and yet they complemented each other so well. It was such fun to see their relationship develop.

I also loved the side characters! Razo was so much fun with Azora. I loved their sibling relationship. The plot twists in this were crazy! Throughout the story, I was really invested in discovering how the story would play out. I must say, I was not expecting the surprises of the ending. It was so engaging and I loved the action of this story. This is a highly recommended book for those looking for a fantasy adventure with plenty of action, surprises, and romance! 

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.

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