Inspired By You

About the Book:

Title: Inspired by You
Series: Veterans of Silver Ridge #3
Author: Claire Cain
Release Date: May 29th, 2024
Genre: Closed Door Contemporary Romance

I have a secret life no one knows about and it’s my true passion—I’m a romance author. When I moved to the small town of Silverton to help with my dad’s book store, I didn’t plan to let anyone in on the career I’ve quietly been building. In fact, I’ve been just fine keeping the truth all to myself until Adam Carter stumbles upon my secret identity and everything changes.

Adam is the gorgeous ex-special ops soldier I instantly liked, and immediately understood is off-limits. I want marriage and family in the future, and it’s clear I’d never have them with him.

I’ve kept my crush under wraps, but now that he’s helping me with my latest novel and teaching me about his life as a combat medic, I can’t ignore the chemistry between us, especially when he helps me act out scenes for my books. And the more time we spend together blurring the lines between fiction and reality, it seems neither can he.

But when the truth of my secret identity comes crashing down, the test of our relationship isn’t just whether we have staying power—it’s whether we can survive it at all.

Inspired by You is a dual POV closed door romance with heat and innuendo, but without fade to black. It includes mild language and light suspense elements.

Book Review:

This was just as good as I had hoped! I was beyond excited for this book and I ended up reading it in one day. Inspired by You is the third book in Claire Cain’s Veterans of Silver Ridge series. Adam and Jo were just perfect!

The story and the characters had me hooked! I did not want to put this book down. Jo and Adam had my heart and I was so excited to see them get their happy ending. I loved how they were both complex but how they learned to fight for each other. 

I have loved Jo from the beginning and I nearly screamed when I saw that she was Josie. It was so fun to get to know her and see what she was like as an author. She was trying to find herself and be true to herself, but her fears were making it hard. I really liked how Jo stood up for herself but she also let Adam help her. 

Adam was perfect. I didn’t really know much about him but he seemed so sweet in the other books. I liked getting to truly see him and understand him. He had scars from this past and he was scared of letting Jo in. I loved how you could see that he genuinely cared for Jo and those in his circle. 

Adam and Jo were a slow born as they learned to navigate their friendship. I really like how they didn’t force each other but they communicated with each other. The romance was lovely. I really liked the relationships in Cain’s books. I love how both Adam and Jo have friends who they can lean on and interact with. The friendships and banter are some of my favorite parts from this book. There were also hints of suspense but it fit with the book.

I could not recommend this book more! I can’t wait for the next book, Beast’s book is going to be amazing. Inspired by You is a closed door contemporary romance with hints of suspense. 

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.

Safe with You

About the Book:

Title: Safe with You
Series: Veterans of Silver Ridge #2
Author: Claire Cain
Release Date: February 7th, 2024
Genre: Closed Door Contemporary Romance

Tristan Donnelly has been my far away support system since he became the soldier my family “adopted” years ago. I’ve written to him about everything from my hopes for my future to my grief during deep loss. He’s secretly been my rock from afar, but now I’m calling in a favor.

I’ve given up everything to keep my family from falling apart, but my brother’s debts have caught up with him and now I’m in danger, too. If I marry, I can access my trust and gain some protection, but the only man I can imagine asking to do this favor is the one I’ve always loved and have never actually met.

Tristan’s a retired special ops soldier and he’s the most honorable man I know. When he agrees to marry me, we plan to live separately, until he insists I come stay with him so he can protect me. Now I’m face to face with a man who is not only the most important person in my life, he’s also so ridiculously handsome it hurts. He’s capable and gentle and I’m hard pressed to remember this marriage isn’t meant to last.

I’d planned to go home when the money comes through, and that’s when we’d end things.

But now I’ve had a glimpse of what life could be, and I want something permanent with Tristan. Plus, I’m finding that backbone I lost track of years ago and I’ve realized I don’t want to return to my old life. The problem is, I don’t know how I can stay when this was only supposed to be a temporary favor.

Book Review:

AHHHHH! This book was everything that I hoped it would be. Safe with You is the second book in Claire Cain’s Veterans of Silver Ridge series. Marriage of convenience is one of my favorite tropes and I could not wait to read this one!

Tristan and Winnie were just the cutest couple together and I adored reading their story. I liked the connection between Winnie and Tristan and how they knew each other before they got married. They wrote letters to each other throughout the years, but they never expected to find themselves married to keep Winnie safe. I liked the progression of their relationship and how they learned to talk to each other.

Tristan was such a sweet guy and I loved getting to know him better. I loved how he cared for Winnie but he was also willing to listen to advice. Tristan had to learn what it looked like to care and love Winnie while trusting her too. I also really liked Winnie and her growth throughout the book. She had a lot of insecurities to overcome as she tried to figure out life. Winnie had to learn to trust herself and Tristan as she sought to help her family.

The romance was so sweet and the characters were compelling. I fell in love with Silver Ridge all over again. I love seeing the side characters and some hints of other characters. Safe with You is just a wonderful book and I would definitely recommend it! I was so excited for the next book, it is going to be so good! Safe with You is a contemporary closed door romance with hints of suspense. 

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.

Made for You

About the Book:

Title: Made for You
Series: Veterans of Silver Ridge #1
Author: Claire Cain
Release Date: October 11th, 2023
Genre: Closed Door Contemporary Romance

My Gram is the only family I have left, so when she asked for my help, I came running. Besides, a fresh start in her small town after blowing up my entire life seemed like the logical solution instead of wallowing in jobless misery for the rest of measurable time.

But then Gram’s next-door neighbor turns out to be the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen, and my calculations show I just made a huge mistake. Being captivated by Bruce Camden is not part of my plan—even if he is a retired special ops soldier with a penchant for shirtless wood-chopping.

Thankfully, Bruce finds a way to draw a line we can’t cross. Working for his private security company may be the answer to one of my problems, and it means we have a legitimate reason to keep our distance despite the blazing chemistry between us.

But seeing how seriously he takes his role as his younger sister’s guardian only heightens the pull he has on me, and before I know it, I’m doomed. There’s no mathematical proof to solve and find x for what comes next.

The man is chopping down my walls left and right, but when disaster strikes in a big way, where will we be when the dust settles?

Book Review:

Ahhh, I adored this book! Made for You is the first book in Claire Cain’s new series, Veterans of Silver Ridge. I have loved all of Cain’s books so I was really excited to start this new series. Bruce seemed like such a sweet and teddy bear like character. I adored getting to know him and Nikki. 

Bruce and Nikki were so sweet together, they really complimented each other. I liked how they got to know each other first and their attraction was based on more than just looks and feelings. I liked how they learned to work through their different issues on their own but also together. They were honest with each other even with their struggles. 

Made for You is a must read! I loved starting this new series and getting to meet new characters. It was also fun to see some old characters too. Kiley was a wonderful character and I loved her relationship with Bruce. The sibling relationship is always so sweet to me. The romance was perfect for me. I liked the progression of their relationship. 

I would definitely recommend this book! Made for You is a closed door contemporary romance. I am so excited to read the next book!

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.